Saturday, 5 July 2014


Bryan twins on the left.
Henman Hill + a tiny bit of the big screen.
*drool* strawberries and cream
Last Wednesday myself and a few of my friends decided to take a trip down to Wimbledon. Many trains and tubes later we arrived in the scorching heat- it was the hottest day of the year by far. However we stormed on and found our court, we booked tickets for court 2, it was such fun as we were able to watch the Bryan twins play! Over our courts claps and cheers we heard a tremendous thunder from the centre court, as Andy Murray was play and consequently lost... much to our disappointment.
For part of the day we also decided to push our way through the crowds on Henman Hill and find a tiny place which was just enough for us to sit down. All around us were people of different ages (mostly drinking ngl) which is what i love about huge events like Wimbledon, it attracts everyone!
To finish off our fabulous day at Wimbledon i bought some strawberries and cream, there is no way i could go to Wimbledon without getting strawberries and cream!

Friday, 4 July 2014

Mark Hill Dry Shampoo

Dry shampoo has become a staple in so many of our bathroom cupboards, whether it's because we can't be bothered to wash our hair or if we want to give our hair a bit of a uplift. Batiste has become the prominent product for dry shampoos, however i am not a fan of Batiste's smell. So consequently i bought this dry shampoo from Mark Hill for £5.49, more expensive than your average dry shampoo.
I am just going to say now, i was utterly disappointed. The product itself was good and smelt fantastic but it ran out extremely fast! It ran out after 2 uses! 
I later realised that many people also had this problem and it was because the can leaked! If only it didn't leak this could be a fabulous product....
'if only, if only'

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Summer Walks

Not gonna lie to you, i am really embracing summer here in England, are you?
Anyway I believe that exercise should be a part of your everyday routine, your never going be in the best physical shape you can be without exercise. To keep up your appearance i think you have to do some form of exercise 3 hours per week. So why not go on a beautiful walk?
I hope these pictures of my beautiful sunny walk will inspire you to reach your weight goals!